五月 10


2024年5月10日,星期五 • 10:50am - 11:50am (1h) • 斯金纳纪念教堂

Jill Conklin is the Director and Strategic Officer of Food For Soul, an international nonprofit organization founded  by chef Massimo Bottura and Lara Gilmore to cultivate a more just sustainable food system by saving food from  waste and reducing barriers to food security and livelihood. 吉尔负责该组织的全球宣传工作,  Refettorio project expansion and coordination of the Refettorio Network of Partners whose collective impact has  helped transForm more than 2100 tonnes of food from waste into 3.5.91亿份营养膳食. Food For Soul  developed their first Refettorio project in 2015 during the World Expo in Milan Italy. The project began as a cultural  initiative to raise awareness of the correlated effects of food waste on the planet, 社会孤立和饥饿危机.  The Refettorio has evolved into a community based model centered around civic engagement that brings together  eco-conscious design, 美丽和好客使社会, environmental and economic change For socially  vulnerable people. 整个星期,餐厅都在烹饪  

团队从垃圾填埋场救出多余的不完美的食物, transForming ingredients into nutritious menus that return the  economic value of food back into communities. Jill joined the team officially in 2019 after guiding the organization’s  expansion research in San Francisco and Oakland, CaliFornia; and with the launch of Food For Soul’s nonprofit  501(c)3 美国 arm. 

As a Former restaurant and research Chef and business development executive, 吉尔拥有一套充满活力的技能, knowledge and experience that cuts across the sectors of gastronomy, 烹饪艺术, 技术, 公共卫生和战略发展. As a graduate of Johnson and Wales University her culinary degree in food applied science  and nutrition, has led her to a career of accomplishments including a decade of research and cookery of the  Mediterranean spice trade routes and Italian Sephardic Jewish diaspora in Italy. She has held positions in public  policy and civic leadership working to improve domestic and global child nutrition and school feeding programs.  在加入Food For Soul之前, Jill specialized in bringing healthy foods to market through environmentally  conscious 技术 and packaging solutions, 改良美国农业部商品加工, menu development; and  marketing conceptualization. She has led food safety and HACCP training programs across commercial and  noncommercial markets, working eight years in food start up ventures with a focus on sous vide 技术.  

Her personal passion For giving back began at the young age of 12 working as a camp counselor For Make a Wish  Foundation supporting children living with AIDS and terminal cancers. She was quickly inspired by the resilience of  the young people in the camp and the overwhelming gratitude they had For volunteers and helping hands. Every year  thereafter, Jill has dedicated time to support those vulnerable. 在过去的34年里, she has found a unique path  that blends her passion For food and culture with her commitment to improve food security, 世界各地的营养和健康. Jill is acting Program Advisor to SuperChefs Cookery For Kids in British Columbia, helping to advise on the  nonprofits summer cooking camp programs and international Westin Worldwide “Kids Eat Well” menu. 

在非营利性慈善工作中, she has acted as Chair of “Kids in the Kitchen” Interest Section of the International Association of Culinary Professionals, Chair of “The Culinary Trust”: Chair of “Chef's Table Committee” For the School Nutrition Association, ad-hoc member of the 系统网络体系结构(SNA) Industry Advisory Board and PR Co-Chair For the USDA and First Lady, 米歇尔·奥巴马的《菲律宾十大彩票平台》, Chefs Move to Schools" campaign; Chair of Awards of Excellence For the International Association of Culinary Professionals, Chair of the Global Child Nutrition Foundation Forum For Ethiopia and Acting Nominations Committee of the “Gene White Lifetime Achievement Award” to Marshall Matz, M/M Law; Arlene Mitchell, 比尔和梅林达·盖茨基金会. 

A few of her culinary experiences and accolades include: Sous Chef, 嘉华高尔夫和网球度假村, SC; Executive Chef and  Culinary Educator For Walters Restaurants, RI and ICC education programs; Chef Trainer For Kids in the Kitchen and Kids  First, RI; USDA National School Food Safety and HACCP Trainer; US Domestic Sales Manager For Winston Industries, a  leading manufacturer of precision temperature cooking equipment; Food Development incubator VC investments For series of  op 1-2 Tier Food Manufacturing/Processing Companies, 酒店及邮轮品牌, including Culinary Development with  celebrity chef and entrepreneur, 卡拉厅. 

五星餐饮奖获得者, 欧洲帽子提名, James Beard House事件识别, Food styling and recipe  styling For Flavors and Knowledge Cooking Show, including Emmy Winner of PBS New England Holiday at the Breakers,  玛丽安·埃斯波西托和意大利食品网络, 以及2011年度行业成员奖, 系统网络体系结构(SNA).

会议将可通过观看 变焦 对于那些无法参加的人. 请 提前登记 对于这个程序. 登记后, you will receive a confirmation email containing inFormation about joining the program. The entire ceremony will be recorded and archived on the 会的 website.

事件联系: 诺埃尔思考


  • 用于: 公众, 学生, 教师, 工作人员, Emeriti, 校友, 未来的学生, 家庭
  • 类别: 讲座/面板

